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Thursday, May 13, 2010

REVIT 2011 Interface - Can we stop now ?

Some days while I am working or teaching on the big screen I just stare at the REVIT 2011 ribbon and go blank trying to find something like . . . . . . . . 'Object Styles'. It is especially frustrating when the button I am looking for has now been moved to it's very own 1 square inch peice of realestate on the ribbon. I know, I know, I can use the keyboard shortcuts but after all I make my living teaching others how to use the software. If the Autodesk programmers redesign the @&# interface one more time I am going to hitch up my dog sled, portage my way to the main land, across New Brunswick, down through Maine to Boston and then stand outside the building and yell profanities. Or maybe I'm just getting old.


  1. Yes it can be frustrating. I dove into the new UI last November & have been slowly becoming accustomed.

    I'm fairly happy now. The dedicated properties palette has increased my speed considerably.

    My last area of frustration is the resetting QAT. Revit decides at unpredictably random intervals that random sets of my custom QAT tools just don't need to be there.

    If anyone knows why this happens please let me know. I would be forever grateful.

  2. I agree. The new properties pallete etc. is VERY nice. The 2010 ribbon was a joke and should never have been released.

    NOW, let's stop tweeking the #$%^&'n interface and just let us all get back to work please. . . .

  3. Hmmmm and they say that Canadians are nice people :)

  4. hehehe well.....nice but playing 'bang the beaver' with the old interface was starting to get tired :)
