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Thursday, April 28, 2011

REVIT 2012 Assemblies Training

Below is a CADclip overview on the new REVIT 2012 Assemblies (or Assembly) feature.
First you group elements into assemblies.
Then based on that assembly you can create views, sheets, isolate elements, schedule, tag, create material take offs and parts lists.
Have a look and you'll see what I mean.
Very Cool indeed !

1 comment:

  1. This new feature of 2012 may be just what we're looking for.
    I been trying to recreate section of walls with mtl. stud frm'g.that would repeat throughout the model.
    I thought "groups" could be the answer but couldn't figure out how to schedule the materials.
    Assemblies could be the answer to my prayers. Need some time but looks promising.
    Thanks so much,
