Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Plan Region - View Range Tip

Thanks to for posting this CADclip on their site.

Can you see the difference ?

I am a little embarassed to say I was down right puzzled with a wee Plan Region / View Range problem over the last week or two.

Specifically in regards to windows. I was able to get the window opening to show in the plan region but not with the window frame, glass and sash detail to display.

I revisited the area off and on each time I opened the model, always frustrated with no success. Yes, I was even contemplating drawing in detail lines to represent the window frame, glass and sash that would not show up....aaaaaaahhhhhh !

I had stretched the Plan Region boundary before to get doors to display properly because the door panel would not show up.......and THEN THE LIGHT BULB CAME ON (I love it when the light bulb comes on). I quickly panned over to the window area and stretched the Plan Region boundary in width just a micro smiggin (even though the window was already completely within the plan region boundary) and SHAZAM ! It worked. Two words....Miller Time.

So I figure......I can't be the only one who has had this problem.

Just below is a 4 min. CADclip to explain the deal.
(I keep refering to the 'plan region' boundary as the 'view range' boundary...sorry about that...they kind of work hand in hand)

REVIT - Plan Region / View Range Tip - Video Tutorial
((click to play or right click and "save target as..." to download)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wall Girt System

Thanks to for posting this CADclip on their site.

Below is a link to another great video CADclip tutorial and some additional notes on how to use the REVIT Structure 'Beam System' tool to place Wall Girts between columns.
click the link above to play the CADclip or right click and 'save target as..' to download

Above is an image of the way it would be used.
Below are two more images demonstrating how you can change the rotation and girt type while keeping the 'system' intact.

1. We start with a basic Structure of Columns and beams.
2. Then we add in a new Reference Plane, in Plan view and name it Girt System.
3. Then we open an elevation view perpendicular to the reference plane, looking directly at the proposed Girt wall.
4. Then from the Modelling tab of the design bar we start the Beam System tool.
5. We specifiy the new reference plane as our working plane.
6. We check the beam system properties and specify the beam / girt type, layout style / spacing etc.
7. We sketch in the beam (girt) system outline and clck finish.
8. Then we can control the overall girt location by manipulating the location of the reference plane.
9. We can edit the beam (girt) system outline, spacing and direction.
10. We can change individual girt types and rotation angles.
11. We can move a grid line and see REVIT's parametric technology at work.
12. From then on it's just a matter of playing with the new beam (girt) system to your liking.

I use a c-channel girt but you can make your own 'Z' girt shape if you want and use that instead.
Too easy.....REVIT .....%$#^& ......ROCKS !

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Girder Joist Purlin Assignment Rules

Thanks to for posting this tutorial on their site.

I'm on a REVIT Structural kick right now and quite enjoying it !
I know most of you already had this figured out but not being a structural 'designer' I was a little confused about the 'Structural Usage' property of the term 'Beam'.

Well now I have it figured out and thought I'd pass on what I learned.

1. Girders, Joists and Purlins are all 'Beams'
2. First of all if you leave the Usage as Automatic REVIT will infact assign the correct usage.
3. The structural usage determines the 'linestyle' for 'course detail' visibility. (note the line weights and styles above)
4. The Structual usage can also be specified in a schedule.
5. If you click on on the beam after the fact and check the 'structural usage' property it will tell you what has been assigned and you can change it.
6. REVIT assumes the usage based on what the beam is being connected to at each end.

Here's the rules in a nut shell

Column to Column = Girder
Column to Girder = Girder
Girder to Girder = Joist
Column to Joist = Joist
Joist to Josit = Purlin
Joist to Purlin = Purlin
Purlin to Purlin = Purlin
Column to Purlin = Purlin

ie: Girders are the big ones and Purlins are the small ones.

If you're not sure, try drawing a bunch of Columns and Beams using the 'Automatic' usage then check the beam properties and see what REVIT has assigned !

That's it......next topic.........

R E V I T.. really does ..R O C K !


Monday, March 05, 2007

REVIT Structure - Sloped Flat Roof System

Thanks to for posting this CADclips on their site.

View the Video CADclip link below
click the link above to play or right click and 'save target as' to download.
Ok, I've started digging back into REVIT Structure and from the words of an old structural drafter 'I am very very impressed'. I love this stuff !

I had the opportunity to use REVIT Structure in the past but then I had to drop it due to other workloads.
The first thing that I wanted to model, (and what most structural engineers want to see) is some of that cool 3D stuff that the architects have been creating.

What better subject material to test the application with than a Sloped Flat Roof Model.
As you can see from these images of the model I created in 10 minutes,
it's too easy.
Then in true REVIT fashion, once you create the model, it is fully parametric. So if you move a grid line the entire model updates and all the slopes adjust. Then of course you have 'UNLIMITED' parametric views and sections that you can extract from the model.

Then it just becomes fun.

The interesting thing is, this is available in
REVIT Building / Architecture
as well as REVIT Structure.

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